Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Back in the swing.

So we had a bit of an unscheduled break. I came down with a cold near the end of last week, so Thursday and Friday were both pretty much free days, other than a bit of reading. Then we had a friend over Friday and Saturday night and then we took her home and spent Sunday and Monday night at her house! We had a great time with our best friends and then drove back home Tuesday. The kids were up until close to midnight all of those nights and they are still getting caught up on sleep. But it was totally worth it. :)

So today we jumped back into it. I'm noticing that Hero has a really rough time and feels really resistant to lessons on the first day after any sort of break, be it an ordinary weekend or Christmas. I need to figure out a way to ease her (and me) back into it more gracefully, because it makes for a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day of learning if I jump in with both feet (as I tend to do) and she decides to dig her heels in. Other than that little hang-up the day was good.

We did a small study today on how artists use color, reviewing primary and secondary colors and learning about warm and cool colors and how they can make a painting feel. I didn't quite feel up to getting paint out today, but the girls drew some lovely portraits in crayon. They are now displayed prominently and with pride on the refrigerator door. The first one, on the left, is Haven crying her eyes out (literally I think, it's hard to tell). The other two are of me. I am beaming with pride. Seriously.

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