Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"H says 'huh'"

Or in other words, happy Tuesday!

Mondays are always such slow and sluggish days for us. I would like to screw with that pattern though. I would feel better, I think, to start the week off with a bang. Then, if things get crazy, we can ease into the weekend without feeling guilty or having missed out on valuable learning days. In order to transform Monday into what is now Tuesday I am going to have to turn my Sundays into Mondays, which is frankly kind of depressing. I'll think on it.

And in other news! I am a believer in working wherever you are most comfortable, and I try to allow my kids that freedom, but it doesn't always work out. Sometimes being on the floor or on the couch lends itself to wiggles and daydreaming. I'm not anti-daydreaming, but some days it is helpful to just GET the math lesson done in 10 minutes rather than 10 hours. Leads to happier times for us all. So I have been forcing (oooooh, wicked mother) my kids to sit up at the dining table, the miniature kid table, or putting Serra at the desk in her room. It kind of makes a world of difference.

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